Fee Refund Policy


As per policy of Skillston Institute, refund of fee shall be applicable for new applicant on the following criteria:

  1. Admission Fee is refundable as per the policy.
  2. Please note that the said policy will be applicable from the commencement of classes; not from the date of admission.

Commencement of Classes Refund % of Admission Fee
Up to 7th day of commencement of classes 50% Admission Fee
From 8th – 15th day of commencement of classes 25% Admission Fee
After second week of commencement of classes No Refund

Note: Refund policy is not applicable on any other fee except Admission Fee.

How to apply for refund:

Write an email at admissions@skillston.com with the Subject: Fee Refund – Enrollment Number (as per ID card)

(Attach your paid fee voucher to the email)

After the process is complete you will be updated once your cheque is ready, the process would require 40-45 days after the commencement of classes.